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which of the following is not characteristic of neurons?
which of the following is not characteristic of neurons?

which of the following is not characteristic of neurons?

Imagine a neuron that has several hundred axonal knobs impinging on it. o Neurons have a very long lifespan Have low mitotic activity fie cannot undergo cell division) O Ability to transmit electrical signals (i.e. c. working memory. B) amplify or enhance the effect of ACh Which of the following IS NOT a description of a neuron? The concentration of __ is higher outside than inside the cell. Which of the following is expected to occur first if the membrane potential decrease shown in the graph on the left were to reach the threshold value indicated at ~ -55 mV? 3. A. Sensory. Strong stimuli cause the amplitude of action potentials generated to increase. C) leakage channel Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease in which the myelin sheaths are destroyed. Central Nervous System The cells communicate by sending signals between different parts of the brain, and the neurons can interface with gray matter nuclei. a. Epigenetic markers ce3z/(4zi)3dz. d. medulla. A) the myelin sheath Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder with an increasing worldwide prevalence. d. Activation of postganglionic parasympathetic neurons, 65. a. the thin filaments of smooth muscle fibers are attached to dense bodies. A. d. it fills spaces in the brain. d. tremor. What distinguishes nerve cells and other excitable membranes (e.g., muscle cells) is that they are capable of changing their resting potential. Immediately after an action potential has peaked, which cellular gates open? c. Autonomic Nervous System Anatomy and Physiology questions and answers. Unipolar neurons have axons structurally divided into peripheral and central processes, Neurons in the CNS are organized into functional groups, If bacteria invaded the CNS tissue, microglia would migrate to the area to engulf and destroy them, The nodes of Ranvier are found only on myelinated, peripheral neuron processes. David N. Shier, Jackie L. Butler, Ricki Lewis, Anatomy and Physiology: An Integrative Approach, Michael McKinley, Theresa Bidle, Valerie O'Loughlin, LELCB 1B (28/1) - Collocation review (gap fil. The frequency of impulse transmission indicates the stimulus intensity and the brain responds appropriately. These gases are neurotransmitters that act indirectly. c. interneurons make inhibitory connections with damaged neurons. The STN also forms a reciprocally connected network with the GABAergic external globus pallidus that converges onto common basal ganglia output neurons. d. Neurogenetics. A substance that directly activates gene transcription is likely acting as a: They are robust signaling cells. Contains cells with macrophage activity c. Exhibits regenerative capacities d. Contains lymphatic vessel. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Europe's communications systems? Which of the following is an excitatory neurotransmitter secreted by motor neurons innervating skeletal muscle? C) diphasic impulses The part of a neuron that conducts impulses away from its cell body is called a (n) ________. The principles outlined above can be applied to the neuron and its ionic contents.. channels open Influx of Na+ AP regenerated in Integrate. Conduct chemo-electrical impulses. They control, in this way, from the movement of an arm, thoughts and even feelings through electrical signals that are called nerve impulses. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the parasympathetic division? Which of the following is the study of mechanisms of gene expression not involving C) Sodium gates in the membrane can open in response to electrical potential changes. 68. b. prevent electrical impulses from traveling down axons. Which of the following statements is incorrect? The all-or-none phenomenon as applied to nerve conduction states that the whole nerve cell must be stimulated for conduction to take place. 28. c. Hypoglossal nerve What is the role of microglial cells and why are they so important in the CNS? 1.Introduction. d. Sympathetic ganglion, 24. Which of the following plays an integral role in saltatory conduction? A chemical messenger that does not directly cause ESPSs or IPSPs but does affect the strength of synaptic transmission is a ________. The pathogenesis of the sudden disruption of neurologic function is unknown; it probably involves dysregulation of the reticular activating system in . c. that a person is genetically male. B) type of stimulus receptor c. Inhibited digestion b. that a person is genetically female. An experimental drug that reduces the release of chemicals that inhibit axon growth may: formation. Touch stimulation of this sensory receptor will open the mechanically gated ion channels, but action potentials are still not initiated because propagation of an action potential requires the opening of voltage-gated Na+ channels. a. meninges. 1. a. midbrain. d. neuromuscular junctions. b. Medulla c. Activation of preganglionic parasympathetic neurons b. motor fibers that conduct nerve impulses from CNS to skeletal muscles. Which of the following is not a characteristic of neurons? B) innervation of cardiac muscle A postsynaptic potential is a graded potential that is the result of a neurotransmitter released into the synapse between two neurons. It is impossible in a single chapter to delineate comprehensively the extensive structural, topographical and functional variation achieved by this cell type. D) size of action potentials, Bipolar neurons are commonly ________. A) long distance signaling The oligodendrocytes can myelinate several axons, Cell bodies of sensory neurons may be located in ganglia lying outside the central nervous system, During depolarization, the inside of the neuron's membrane becomes less negative. c. nucleus accumbens. Identify the neuron type described: A functional neuron type most prevalent in the CNS. D) glial cell, Saltatory conduction is made possible by ________. Our experts can answer your tough homework and study questions. Download Citation | Crosstalk between m6A mRNAs and m6A circRNAs and the time-specific biogenesis of m6A circRNAs after OGD/R in primary neurons | Cerebral ischaemiareperfusion injury is an . b. the blood-brain barrier c. It is avascular. What market share did Mountainside have? 20. Ans: they are mitotic Unli . D) effector, What is the role of acetylcholinesterase? a) Myelin insulates neurons, keeping them at a high enough temperature to function well. The structure that meets the spinal cord in the hindbrain is the: What are the small lower motor neurons that innervate intrafusal muscle fibers that are part of specialized stretch receptors called? to axon segment Axon segment What are the different types of neurons in the ANS and where are they located? Reflexes are rapid, automatic responses to stimuli. Neuroglia (a) conduct electrical impulses, (b) are nerve stem cells, (c) are support cells that aid neurons, (d) are an abnormal growth of neural tissue. a. Schwann cells b. satellite cells c. microglia d. astrocytes e. oligodendrocytes f. ependymal cells. 15. d. Polymorphism, 50. d. astrocytes form and maintain the blood-brain barrier. If a neuroscientist described a structure as more lateral to a particular area, this means that: 79. A) origin of the stimulus The preclinical phase of AD, which can last 10 to 20 years, is characterized by the gradual accumulation of -amyloid and tau aggregates in the brain, together with neuroinflammation and synaptic alterations ().Several lines of evidence indicate that -amyloid deposition precedes . A. excitability B. neurotransmitter production C. high energy needs D. capability of mitosis. d. hypothalamus. b. cerebellum. ________ is a disease that gradually destroys the myelin sheaths of neurons in the CNS, particularly in young adults. likely true? stem c.) muscles d.) osteocytes. 54. a. Trigeminal nerve When information is delivered within the CNS simultaneously by different parts of the neural pathway, the process is called ________ processing. Choose the correct order of these events below. A. ependymal cells B. Schwann cells C . The correct answer is (d) All of these are characteristic of neurons. b. Neurotrophins threshold Voltage-gated Na+ The all-or-none phenomenon as applied to nerve conduction states that the whole nerve cell must be stimulated for conduction to take place. c. cause imbalance. c. Astrocytes Which cell causes endothelial cells to fit closely together? A Pyrex container is completely filled with 275cm3275 \mathrm{~cm}^3275cm3 of mercury at 10.0C10.0{\degree} \mathrm{C}10.0C. C. Skeletal muscles are responsible for the pumping action of the heart. A postsynaptic cell can be a neuron, a muscle cell, or a secretory cell. a. The cerebral cortex is located in the forebrain. Even though someone is diagnosed with MS, the axons are not damaged. C) Group B fibers are highly myelinated and have the highest conduction velocities. b. transcription factors. High metabolic rate. The parts of neurons that receive information from other neurons are called: 4. b. Glossopharyngeal nerve Enkephalins and endorphins are peptides that act like morphine. D) innervation of skeletal muscle, Collections of nerve cell bodies outside the central nervous system are called ________. An impulse from one nerve cell is communicated to another nerve cell via the ________. b. cerebrospinal fluid. Give a valid explanation of why this could occur. Extrapyramidal side effects produced by antipsychotic drugs are similar to the symptoms of: Cedric S Raine. Which of the following is NOT a function or characteristic of neurons? b. Sensory afferent neurons possess long dendrites and short axons. Cell body c. Ganglion d. Axon, Which of the following is an excitatory neurotransmitter secreted by motor neurons innervating skeletal muscle? c. a ventricle. Indicate the number of orbitals in the 6p sublevel. 13. response? Estimate the number of moles of Ar in a typical lightbulb. B) norepinephrine a. increase the activity of postganglionic sympathetic neurons. c. Myasthenia Gravis. innervation of skeletal muscle. This may account for the cycles of relapse and remission in different patients. Which type of microglial cells promote inflammation? Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following is not characteristic of neurons? We used embryonic stem cell-derived (H9) human neuronal stem cells . 71. depression would be an example of: Neurons are relatively small, simple-structured cells. C) responds to stimuli by gland secretion or muscle contraction, The period after an initial stimulus when a neuron is not sensitive to another stimulus is the ________. 56. DI) They have an exceptionally high metabolic rate. B) The release of neurotransmitter molecules gives cells the property of being electrically coupled. To reveal how individual NAc neurons respond to reward, we implanted gradient index (GRIN) lenses in the NAcLat and the NAcMed and recorded single-neuron calcium activity using a miniature head-mounted microscopy (Figures 2 A and 2B). b. hypothalamus 61. d. Sensory efferent neurons po. b. Which of the following is not characteristic of neurons? Therefore, the axon can release one or more neurotransmitters simultaneously, creating singular or multiple events. If the electrode is removed, a potential of zero is recorded again. They are electrically excitable cells which generate action potentials. Sympathetic nervous system neurons contact muscle tissue at neuromuscular junctions. Which of the followings cells accounts for roughly half of the volume of the nervous system? A drug that reduces the activity of the amygdala would likely: Identify the neuron type described: Two neuron types whose cell bodies are in the spinal cord (CNS). D) moves membrane potential away from threshold. The person may have an increase in heart rate. Identify the neuron type described: Two functional neuron types that are structurally multipolar neurons. d. Parkinson's disease. Fill in the blank. What do ANS neurons regulate with regard to mechanical digestion? a. Alzheimer's disease. a) norepinephrine b) cholinesterase c) gamma aminobutyric acid d) acetylcholine. 47. B) synapse a. forebrain. b. hindbrain. Unipolar,Bipolar,Multipolar. What is the function of dendrites in a neuron? a. corpus callosum. c. reticular formation. d. hippocampus. c. neurons. Current flows continuously, Local current flows

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which of the following is not characteristic of neurons?