sims 4 child support mod 2021

Once youve completed the event objectives, you can keep chatting or end the even by closing it . You can reapply as often as you like when the option is available. .c_dVyWK3BXRxSN3ULLJ_t{border-radius:4px 4px 0 0;height:34px;left:0;position:absolute;right:0;top:0}._1OQL3FCA9BfgI57ghHHgV3{-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-pack:start;justify-content:flex-start;margin-top:32px}._1OQL3FCA9BfgI57ghHHgV3 ._33jgwegeMTJ-FJaaHMeOjV{border-radius:9001px;height:32px;width:32px}._1OQL3FCA9BfgI57ghHHgV3 ._1wQQNkVR4qNpQCzA19X4B6{height:16px;margin-left:8px;width:200px}._39IvqNe6cqNVXcMFxFWFxx{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin:12px 0}._39IvqNe6cqNVXcMFxFWFxx ._29TSdL_ZMpyzfQ_bfdcBSc{-ms-flex:1;flex:1}._39IvqNe6cqNVXcMFxFWFxx .JEV9fXVlt_7DgH-zLepBH{height:18px;width:50px}._39IvqNe6cqNVXcMFxFWFxx ._3YCOmnWpGeRBW_Psd5WMPR{height:12px;margin-top:4px;width:60px}._2iO5zt81CSiYhWRF9WylyN{height:18px;margin-bottom:4px}._2iO5zt81CSiYhWRF9WylyN._2E9u5XvlGwlpnzki78vasG{width:230px}._2iO5zt81CSiYhWRF9WylyN.fDElwzn43eJToKzSCkejE{width:100%}._2iO5zt81CSiYhWRF9WylyN._2kNB7LAYYqYdyS85f8pqfi{width:250px}._2iO5zt81CSiYhWRF9WylyN._1XmngqAPKZO_1lDBwcQrR7{width:120px}._3XbVvl-zJDbcDeEdSgxV4_{border-radius:4px;height:32px;margin-top:16px;width:100%}._2hgXdc8jVQaXYAXvnqEyED{animation:_3XkHjK4wMgxtjzC1TvoXrb 1.5s ease infinite;background:linear-gradient(90deg,var(--newCommunityTheme-field),var(--newCommunityTheme-inactive),var(--newCommunityTheme-field));background-size:200%}._1KWSZXqSM_BLhBzkPyJFGR{background-color:var(--newCommunityTheme-widgetColors-sidebarWidgetBackgroundColor);border-radius:4px;padding:12px;position:relative;width:auto} Clocked Daily Ep. So this has nothing to do with the Parenthood game pack but since this post is pretty much about parents and parenting, I thought I'd throw this one in there too. More like this. Sims 4 Clothing. ._2ik4YxCeEmPotQkDrf9tT5{width:100%}._1DR1r7cWVoK2RVj_pKKyPF,._2ik4YxCeEmPotQkDrf9tT5{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center}._1DR1r7cWVoK2RVj_pKKyPF{-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;max-width:100%}._1CVe5UNoFFPNZQdcj1E7qb{-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;margin-right:4px}._2UOVKq8AASb4UjcU1wrCil{height:28px;width:28px;margin-top:6px}.FB0XngPKpgt3Ui354TbYQ{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-align:start;align-items:flex-start;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;margin-left:8px;min-width:0}._3tIyrJzJQoNhuwDSYG5PGy{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;width:100%}.TIveY2GD5UQpMI7hBO69I{font-size:12px;font-weight:500;line-height:16px;color:var(--newRedditTheme-titleText);white-space:nowrap;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis}.e9ybGKB-qvCqbOOAHfFpF{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;width:100%;max-width:100%;margin-top:2px}.y3jF8D--GYQUXbjpSOL5.y3jF8D--GYQUXbjpSOL5{font-weight:400;box-sizing:border-box}._28u73JpPTG4y_Vu5Qute7n{margin-left:4px} 16. And with the script adjustment, the game will not over after all household members who above children were died. Please give all of these sims 4 creators your support by checking out their Patreons and subscribing if you can: KiaraSims4Mods; MarlynSims; @keyframes ibDwUVR1CAykturOgqOS5{0%{transform:rotate(0deg)}to{transform:rotate(1turn)}}._3LwT7hgGcSjmJ7ng7drAuq{--sizePx:0;font-size:4px;position:relative;text-indent:-9999em;border-radius:50%;border:4px solid var(--newCommunityTheme-bodyTextAlpha20);border-left-color:var(--newCommunityTheme-body);transform:translateZ(0);animation:ibDwUVR1CAykturOgqOS5 1.1s linear infinite}._3LwT7hgGcSjmJ7ng7drAuq,._3LwT7hgGcSjmJ7ng7drAuq:after{width:var(--sizePx);height:var(--sizePx)}._3LwT7hgGcSjmJ7ng7drAuq:after{border-radius:50%}._3LwT7hgGcSjmJ7ng7drAuq._2qr28EeyPvBWAsPKl-KuWN{margin:0 auto} Wait you can do that??? ALL DOWNLOAD LINKS ARE ON PATREON (free), THIS SITE IS FOR MOD INFO / DESCRIPTIONS. It's developed by Kawaiistacie and it's a part of her big Education System Bundle mod for the game. Thankfully, there's a mod that fixes this with one go, to a point where no day is without its own unique excitement. This will give teens a sadness of only +2 for 4 days (since they're hopefully a bit more . This includes everything from homework to manners. "Determines the amount billed to a parent per child for child support. Basically, it allows your Sims to have multiple partners, and removes all those annoying jealousy reactions and consequences. Reactions depending on pregnancy wish. If you are looking to have a more realistic and meaningful experience in The Sims 4, the Slice of Life mod is well worth looking into. Later in life, if told about their adoptee status, Sims can decide to interact or not with birth parents. But only true pioneers of headwear would wear a full sofa as a hat, or a canvas painting they crafted on their head as a testament to progressive fashion. We know that for many of you, Mods are an important part of your game experience. RELATED: The Sims 4: Every Single Cheat (& How To Pull Them Off). During the visit, your Sim gets assessed on wealth, housing, household, career, social links, outfit. Sims adopted at Child age will know. ._3bX7W3J0lU78fp7cayvNxx{max-width:208px;text-align:center} If there is not one already installed . Press J to jump to the feed. If you're not the type who believes all children are little angels, and would previous the nature of their devilish antics be manifested in some physical form, then this oddly specific mod is exactly what would suit your oddly specific tastes. This means you cannot use any game logos or trademarks, including versions of the plumbob, or key art designs to promote your Mods. We know that for many of you, Mods are an important part of your game experience. Supportive. Baby Mods and CC: Parenting Skill. One of the possible flags is "Never Cull". The parents will get a choice of 3 moodlets related to this for 2+ days afterwards, at random, as they think back on it. One option is Sim Flags. Like daily, weekly, once per life stage, or just a single lump sum when the babies become toddlers? Its better that your sims overdo it in the game, rather than you in real life. We cant screen or support any Mod, so theres no way for us to know if a Mod that previously didnt cause any issues for players may cause them now. Check out these Top Ten Family Mods below if you're looking to add more realism and conflict into your Sims 4 Family's life. The child will either accept or not, if they do, the same process of meeting and explaining themselves as is available to the grown-up adopted children will be available. ._38lwnrIpIyqxDfAF1iwhcV{background-color:var(--newCommunityTheme-widgetColors-lineColor);border:none;height:1px;margin:16px 0}._37coyt0h8ryIQubA7RHmUc{margin-top:12px;padding-top:12px}._2XJvPvYIEYtcS4ORsDXwa3,._2Vkdik1Q8k0lBEhhA_lRKE,.icon._2Vkdik1Q8k0lBEhhA_lRKE{border-radius:100%;box-sizing:border-box;-ms-flex:none;flex:none;margin-right:8px}._2Vkdik1Q8k0lBEhhA_lRKE,.icon._2Vkdik1Q8k0lBEhhA_lRKE{background-position:50%;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:100%;height:54px;width:54px;font-size:54px;line-height:54px}._2Vkdik1Q8k0lBEhhA_lRKE._1uo2TG25LvAJS3bl-u72J4,.icon._2Vkdik1Q8k0lBEhhA_lRKE._1uo2TG25LvAJS3bl-u72J4{filter:blur()}.eGjjbHtkgFc-SYka3LM3M,.icon.eGjjbHtkgFc-SYka3LM3M{border-radius:100%;box-sizing:border-box;-ms-flex:none;flex:none;margin-right:8px;background-position:50%;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-size:100%;height:36px;width:36px}.eGjjbHtkgFc-SYka3LM3M._1uo2TG25LvAJS3bl-u72J4,.icon.eGjjbHtkgFc-SYka3LM3M._1uo2TG25LvAJS3bl-u72J4{filter:blur()}._3nzVPnRRnrls4DOXO_I0fn{margin:auto 0 auto auto;padding-top:10px;vertical-align:middle}._3nzVPnRRnrls4DOXO_I0fn ._1LAmcxBaaqShJsi8RNT-Vp i{color:unset}._2bWoGvMqVhMWwhp4Pgt4LP{margin:16px 0;font-size:12px;font-weight:400;line-height:16px}.icon.tWeTbHFf02PguTEonwJD0{margin-right:4px;vertical-align:top}._2AbGMsrZJPHrLm9e-oyW1E{width:180px;text-align:center}.icon._1cB7-TWJtfCxXAqqeyVb2q{cursor:pointer;margin-left:6px;height:14px;fill:#dadada;font-size:12px;vertical-align:middle}.hpxKmfWP2ZiwdKaWpefMn{background-color:var(--newCommunityTheme-active);background-size:cover;background-image:var(--newCommunityTheme-banner-backgroundImage);background-position-y:center;background-position-x:center;background-repeat:no-repeat;border-radius:3px 3px 0 0;height:34px;margin:-12px -12px 10px}._20Kb6TX_CdnePoT8iEsls6{-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin-bottom:8px}._20Kb6TX_CdnePoT8iEsls6>*{display:inline-block;vertical-align:middle}.t9oUK2WY0d28lhLAh3N5q{margin-top:-23px}._2KqgQ5WzoQRJqjjoznu22o{display:inline-block;-ms-flex-negative:0;flex-shrink:0;position:relative}._2D7eYuDY6cYGtybECmsxvE{-ms-flex:1 1 auto;flex:1 1 auto;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis}._2D7eYuDY6cYGtybECmsxvE:hover{text-decoration:underline}._19bCWnxeTjqzBElWZfIlJb{font-size:16px;font-weight:500;line-height:20px;display:inline-block}._2TC7AdkcuxFIFKRO_VWis8{margin-left:10px;margin-top:30px}._2TC7AdkcuxFIFKRO_VWis8._35WVFxUni5zeFkPk7O4iiB{margin-top:35px}._1LAmcxBaaqShJsi8RNT-Vp{padding:0 2px 0 4px;vertical-align:middle}._2BY2-wxSbNFYqAy98jWyTC{margin-top:10px}._3sGbDVmLJd_8OV8Kfl7dVv{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:400;line-height:21px;margin-top:8px;word-wrap:break-word}._1qiHDKK74j6hUNxM0p9ZIp{margin-top:12px}.Jy6FIGP1NvWbVjQZN7FHA,._326PJFFRv8chYfOlaEYmGt,._1eMniuqQCoYf3kOpyx83Jj,._1cDoUuVvel5B1n5wa3K507{-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;margin-top:12px;width:100%}._1eMniuqQCoYf3kOpyx83Jj{margin-bottom:8px}._2_w8DCFR-DCxgxlP1SGNq5{margin-right:4px;vertical-align:middle}._1aS-wQ7rpbcxKT0d5kjrbh{border-radius:4px;display:inline-block;padding:4px}._2cn386lOe1A_DTmBUA-qSM{border-top:1px solid var(--newCommunityTheme-widgetColors-lineColor);margin-top:10px}._2Zdkj7cQEO3zSGHGK2XnZv{display:inline-block}.wzFxUZxKK8HkWiEhs0tyE{font-size:12px;font-weight:700;line-height:16px;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-button);cursor:pointer;text-align:left;margin-top:2px}._3R24jLERJTaoRbM_vYd9v0._3R24jLERJTaoRbM_vYd9v0._3R24jLERJTaoRbM_vYd9v0{display:none}.yobE-ux_T1smVDcFMMKFv{font-size:16px;font-weight:500;line-height:20px}._1vPW2g721nsu89X6ojahiX{margin-top:12px}._pTJqhLm_UAXS5SZtLPKd{text-transform:none} If you happen to find yourself shopping around for some new Sim traits, Kutto's New Hobby Traits mod is an excellent place to start.. Short descriptions of all the cc to come soon like one of my typical sims 4 cc list posts. reaction chosen by the player if pop-ups are on, by preferences and chance otherwise. Expanding your Sims' lives to enhance your game, Relationship & Pregnancy Overhaul, Mod #9. Mods must be non-commercial and distributed free-of-charge. With a few uses of this mod, you'll see why the creators of the game didn't customize height. Caps, beanies, and fedoras areall well and good. This mod encourages players to interact with empathy and encourage meaningful relationships between sims. It wouldnt be a best Sims 4 mods list if we didnt include one that was just downright cute and Playable Pets is surely it. It even features familiar characters like Jill Valentine herself and Nemesis, which is a dangerous version of the undead infected by a spreading virus. It offers up better lighting, enhanced shadows, depth of field tweaking, and several other options to make the game look better at any scale and optimised for any system. I have a sim who lives in a mansion where the bills are about 45K a week, and she's a single mom with triplet toddlers fathered by Bjorn Bjergsen, and she's currently preggo with twins fathered by Johnny Zest. If yes, the parent can ask for a visit. Live In Services. Sims 4 Mods. Child Support. - Kids can cooking, grill, make popcorn, ice cream, coffee, make tea, and using cupcake machine. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. There is no such thing as the perfect family. You can add this to the list of mods that youd love to have in real life. It'll make your character react much more intensely when someone finally meets their end, make the event seem much more realistic, albeit sad. Players have been looking for more realism from their sims since the games first release, and this classic mod provides players with the extra challenge of managing the complexities of emotion. If you find Mods hosted on CurseForge that break the rules of the Positive Play Charter, these can be reported directly through their platform. Download from: LittleMsSam. Console Command Settings lets players auto-enable . Luckily, for those of us who get deeply attached to digital beings, we have this mod. [10 Career Levels] A mortician is also known as a funeral director or . It basically changesthe hug animation and turns it into more of a loving embrace. As such, they've come up with a mod that lets you customize how quickly or slowly your Sims get fit or fat. So, not sure how much that is. An amount between 1 and 1000 percent can be specified. Also, consider following me for updates, daily funny content, and behind the scenes footage of both of my channels! An unofficial subreddit devoted to discussing and sharing all things related to The Sims 4! ._3Qx5bBCG_O8wVZee9J-KyJ{border-top:1px solid var(--newCommunityTheme-widgetColors-lineColor);margin-top:16px;padding-top:16px}._3Qx5bBCG_O8wVZee9J-KyJ ._2NbKFI9n3wPM76pgfAPEsN{margin:0;padding:0}._3Qx5bBCG_O8wVZee9J-KyJ ._2NbKFI9n3wPM76pgfAPEsN ._2btz68cXFBI3RWcfSNwbmJ{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:14px;font-weight:400;line-height:21px;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-pack:justify;justify-content:space-between;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;margin:8px 0}._3Qx5bBCG_O8wVZee9J-KyJ ._2NbKFI9n3wPM76pgfAPEsN ._2btz68cXFBI3RWcfSNwbmJ.QgBK4ECuqpeR2umRjYcP2{opacity:.4}._3Qx5bBCG_O8wVZee9J-KyJ ._2NbKFI9n3wPM76pgfAPEsN ._2btz68cXFBI3RWcfSNwbmJ label{font-size:12px;font-weight:500;line-height:16px;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center}._3Qx5bBCG_O8wVZee9J-KyJ ._2NbKFI9n3wPM76pgfAPEsN ._2btz68cXFBI3RWcfSNwbmJ label svg{fill:currentColor;height:20px;margin-right:4px;width:20px;-ms-flex:0 0 auto;flex:0 0 auto}._3Qx5bBCG_O8wVZee9J-KyJ ._4OtOUaGIjjp2cNJMUxme_{-ms-flex-pack:justify;justify-content:space-between}._3Qx5bBCG_O8wVZee9J-KyJ ._4OtOUaGIjjp2cNJMUxme_ svg{display:inline-block;height:12px;width:12px}._2b2iJtPCDQ6eKanYDf3Jho{-ms-flex:0 0 auto;flex:0 0 auto}._4OtOUaGIjjp2cNJMUxme_{padding:0 12px}._1ra1vBLrjtHjhYDZ_gOy8F{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:12px;letter-spacing:unset;line-height:16px;text-transform:unset;--textColor:var(--newCommunityTheme-widgetColors-sidebarWidgetTextColor);--textColorHover:var(--newCommunityTheme-widgetColors-sidebarWidgetTextColorShaded80);font-size:10px;font-weight:700;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:12px;text-transform:uppercase;color:var(--textColor);fill:var(--textColor);opacity:1}._1ra1vBLrjtHjhYDZ_gOy8F._2UlgIO1LIFVpT30ItAtPfb{--textColor:var(--newRedditTheme-widgetColors-sidebarWidgetTextColor);--textColorHover:var(--newRedditTheme-widgetColors-sidebarWidgetTextColorShaded80)}._1ra1vBLrjtHjhYDZ_gOy8F:active,._1ra1vBLrjtHjhYDZ_gOy8F:hover{color:var(--textColorHover);fill:var(--textColorHover)}._1ra1vBLrjtHjhYDZ_gOy8F:disabled,._1ra1vBLrjtHjhYDZ_gOy8F[data-disabled],._1ra1vBLrjtHjhYDZ_gOy8F[disabled]{opacity:.5;cursor:not-allowed}._3a4fkgD25f5G-b0Y8wVIBe{margin-right:8px} This book allows its holder to kill and torture those around them to their heart's content, using some of the default Sim deaths. Co-Parenting and Child Support. - Kids can playing guitar. The Life's Drama mod introduces a bunch of new "situations" which the active household Sims can witness. Run passive advertisements and requests for donations so long as they are limited to the Mod website or distribution site, and do not appear within the Mod itself. 10. If youve ever wanted to turn your side hustle into your main income, you can try it out here first. There are also updates that further deepen the level of polygamy you can achieve. Updated on October 31st, 2020 by Anastasia Maillot: The modding and custom content community for The Sims 4 is one of the most active ones in the world, with super dedicated creators. It's the big daddy of all life simulators and has spawned a healthy modding community along the way. Add a little flair to your dance parties with a variety of ever-improvingdance fadmods. Dancing is already part of the game, but the moves are, for lack of a lessstrange phrase, super basic. Its the big daddy of all life simulators and has spawned a healthy modding community along the way. Now you can keep them from getting overweight too quickly or, if you're a gym rat in real life, make your Sims work as hard as you did toget as swole as you are now. Then hit back, child support percent, and enter your value there. We do not object to Mod developers continuing to share their amazing content, subject to the following: We reserve the right to address any inappropriate Mods, including Mods that infringe the intellectual property or privacy rights of others, contain obscene, objectionable, or harmful content, jeopardize the integrity of The Sims 4 gameplay, or otherwise violate the EA User Agreement. We recommend logging in to your EA Account. .LalRrQILNjt65y-p-QlWH{fill:var(--newRedditTheme-actionIcon);height:18px;width:18px}.LalRrQILNjt65y-p-QlWH rect{stroke:var(--newRedditTheme-metaText)}._3J2-xIxxxP9ISzeLWCOUVc{height:18px}.FyLpt0kIWG1bTDWZ8HIL1{margin-top:4px}._2ntJEAiwKXBGvxrJiqxx_2,._1SqBC7PQ5dMOdF0MhPIkA8{vertical-align:middle}._1SqBC7PQ5dMOdF0MhPIkA8{-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;display:-ms-inline-flexbox;display:inline-flex;-ms-flex-direction:row;flex-direction:row;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center} please head over to our Discord server channel: #simrealist-mod-support ( RELATED: The Sims 4: 10 Skills You'll Want Your Sim To Have. I hate that it seems unrealistic but I didn't think 20% would be that much maybe I'm overthinking it. I have mine set at 3%. With the recent Journey To Batuu game pack and Eco Lifestyle expansion in 2020 having been a major disappointment for many simmers, mods are the go-to way to make the game actually bearable to play. Move the .package file into your Sims 4 Mods folder (Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods). I have mine set to 5%. The Sim equivalent to "go away" may very well be in this teleportation mod. RELATED: The Sims 4: Journey To Batuu 5 Things We Love (& 5 Things we Wish They'd Included). In Menu Settings, players can choose how they see the MC Command Center menu. Just as we do in real life, its hard to break out of a malaise. Separating (Amicably or Not) Custody Decisions. The Sim will be able to engage in procedures to try to find their biological parents regardless but might fail. And appealing to the latter required some censorship in more ways than one. Keep in mind that it can take time for modders to update their content for a new update, so please be patient with them. Teens didn't get sad at all, they just ignored the divorce. That's why we urge you to give it a try and enjoy your playtime even more! This is because it bundles together eight new unique traits, including . New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews. This height slider gives you a way to shake up the height of your Sims and offers a more diverse group of "people" in your world. Put child for adoption (you choose which family they go to). People play The Sims 4 for all kinds of reasons therefore, theres a mod on this list to suit any taste. Teleport Any Sim. RELATED: The Sims 4: 10 Crazy Builds That Use The Terrain Tool. Modder Dramatic-Gamer came up with a Sims 4 mod that lets your . Because dance crazes from many years ago never truly fade away, it's no surprise they made their way intoThe Sims 4. This mod also adds in Government Benefits and Services that enforce Child Support and Alimony and provide a basic Welfare system called Wel-Fund 4 . Notify me of follow-up comments by email. You can check with Mod creators to find out if they are still compatible after a patch. Your email address will not be published. From appearance changes like blushing and acne to day-to-day struggles, like sickness and menstrual cycles, Slice of Life brings realism and depth to your Sims households. Put child for adoption (you choose which family they go to). I never knew the main settings were controlled through the Sims computer hahaha. Players who would like to introduce some chaos into their game but are worried a big mod would break it should look into the Torture & Chaos mod. This mod introduces mundane objects and activities into the Sims 4 that make Sim Life that much more realistic in Earthly terms, such as a Lawnmower, Ironing Board, and Laundry Detergent. Updated with game patches, this mod allows you to teleport any Sim to a given location instantly. Otherwise, Sims will have a bad tendency to go on murder sprees as often as they get a glass of water! The Preschool Mod focuses on your toddlers by giving them . 0% of 0 players found this article helpful. A Mod may need to be reinstalled entirely to be compatible with the latest game patch. Its still a work in progress, but theres no doubt that players will have fun being able to get hands with the pets and enjoy the challenge of negotiating with a whole different set of behaviours and needs. As a member of The Sims Community, you may also wish to contact the Mod creator to let them know their Mod is causing issues. The Cursed Paintings mod introduce a whole array of mysterious works of art that look like they're straight from an H. P. Lovecraft horror story. Adopt, either through Foster (less choice, much cheaper and no selection basically instant like the games system, to leave people an out) or Sim World Agency for Adoption (selective, includes application process and assessment on various things, includes a home visit; at the end, chooses a child for you, but lets you pick yourself if you would rather). This is the Food version of Around the Sims 4's Drink-o-Baby mod. Youre free to live out your Harry Potter fantasies through this enchanted world. Its a classic fantasy The Sims 4 Go To School mod puts within reach. It all revolves around a statue. The Preschool Mod is one of the best toddler mods for Sims 4, period.

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sims 4 child support mod 2021