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dwight schrute mussolini speech transcript
dwight schrute mussolini speech transcript

dwight schrute mussolini speech transcript

Ryan brings Pam the wrong type of stamps for her wedding invitations. But I do thank you for writing in. JENNA [00:58:26] This. ANGELA [00:22:34] Jim Tongue twister. Ryan: Jim has worked at the same place for five years. There remains Russia, but her fundamental interests advise her also to follow in the future a good-neighbor policy with Germany. This is like Karl all over again. JENNA [00:02:11] What were you? Even better than Dwights speech: Jim trying to escape his predicament of unrequited love. JENNA [00:20:41] Where her boob came out. It's karma. JENNA [00:35:40] Insane. First, in war potentiality Germany not only did not decrease after seventeen months of war, but increased in gigantic proportions. Leslie went flying. And Rainn said actually that the voice thing is because he was screaming during the speech and he kind of blew out his voice. a!_hAI/O5uCFVlg2_5'" 2&Z.etK=.*t&]b=Z&}i'KMd;R^,\8YX N[i=2icA+%wK8-b)FOn^l?lou@g]o9\_z|#LP'*_l>~0J$1#BTT!Zwjm! We're going to be shooting back in the office now". ANGELA [00:19:43] Okay. JENNA [00:17:19] So they could see you better. /z?tPLc.r8#[0iFJc4Az9,PPB R wC`%CZkMEYvC.d;+G+_IJ0 mNU^TX(JMl1pSfhGE#u$("d lOWI^- Michael: Just, try not to be such an idiot. Luke Maslow and Scoot Venon-Meyer both asked, "How much of Michael's speech was improvised"? Kevin: Its like Club Med, but everything is naked. ANGELA [00:00:44] Someone driving right now is like, "That's not the only thing you blew out". (Both nights!). 23 ANGELA [00:16:11] But Rainn came at him full throttle. These projects could not be made by those who have an inclination for the madhouse. This is why-and was publicly declared in December, 1939-when the reckoning of accounts had to be reached between two worlds which were inevitably antagonistic, we preferred to have it retarded as long as necessary for us to replace that which we consumed or ceded. ANGELA [00:09:33] I could really tell. It had its moments. Look at the back. JENNA [00:44:50] Why would you want to go there? Michael: Pam, Im public speaking. Well, I reached out to our line producer Kent Zbornak. Jim: Dwight was the top salesman of the year at our company. ANGELA [00:57:14] I sort of felt like he never took the trip because he he just ends up transferring jobs. Unless, of course, we find a good joke in his vacation. Send me a postcard". So he well, I guess we'll get to that later. JENNA [00:56:23] Yeah. JENNA [00:57:33] Yeah. This page comes from an actual website called The History Guide, and you can find the page here. [15] An encore presentation of the episode on August 15 received a 1.9 rating/6 percent share and was viewed by over 4.6 million viewers and retained 100 percent of its lead-in audience. Where friends don't blog about other friends' butts. He leaves. ANGELA [00:49:08] "Y'all ready for this"? He has his notecards. And what is playing as they walk through? The Italian people, the Fascist people deserve and will have victory. JENNA [01:02:35] Great hotel, super charming. Michael: Two years in a row. No, that was all planned. I mean. And Rainn said yes. ANGELA [00:59:16] You have to show me. The intent was for them to be gradually won over. Rome, Italy, February 23, 1941. If you look in the background over Rainn's shoulder and you can see reception in the background and it's me and Kate. ANGELA [00:20:35] It was Janet Jackson's Super Bowl halftime. JENNA [00:14:02] Not willy nilly. And after the take, everyone was like, "Oh, my God, Creed. SAM [00:43:59] Mordor is where Sauron is. JENNA [00:04:55] Yes, this is true. Dwight: I can travel anywhere, except Cuba. ANGELA [00:03:55] How do we make this work with our budget? ANGELA [00:52:48] The extra, guys. So it's interesting to me, I will say now I'm very interested. Not my favorite episode either, but loved: Michaels reverse Heisman pose Ping Press J to jump to the feed. He's too sick. Europe therefore, with the exception of Portugal, Switzerland and, for a little while yet, Greece, is all outside the orbit of Britain and against Britain. It's a safe, Angela. Where would you, if you could go anywhere"? JENNA [00:43:46] Uh huh. Am I wrong? JENNA [00:38:22] But if you're in the nude pool or the nude beach, you have to be nude. JENNA [00:12:48] So maybe no "Cornhole with Celebrities". And I will travel to New Zealand. WE ARE WARRIORS! Because Leslie really went down hard. The episode received largely positive reviews from television critics. ANGELA [00:08:10] And then we had all the extras hired and everything. ANGELA [01:02:54] Creed goes over there and adjusts the thermostat. Some people will tell you salesman is a bad word. JENNA [00:11:06] It only ran for one season. Remember when he got Dwight to believe that Thursday was Friday? And I remember Matt saying, "Ang, I see what you're doing. In that talking head, later in the conference room scenes. He said that we started at 7:00 a.m.. ANGELA [00:28:52] Yeah. ", "No revolution is worth anything unless it can defend itself. I'm filming it for him. %PDF-1.3 JENNA [00:26:08] I mean, kind of, it's still strange. So Angela, the Angela Martin and me is like, you are not being nice. JENNA [00:00:06] We were on "The Office" together. "[7][8] Much of Dwight's speech is drawn from a variety of sources, including the following: "Dwight's Speech" originally aired on NBC on March 2, 2006. The Fascist revolution will make another decisive step to shorten social distances. It was like a Wednesday, but we'd already been filming in the bullpen. KtT8H@gvmRYPPR]iDkx;!7 Although I did use a travel agent recently for a trip and it was very helpful. Just go in the conference room, he's going to teach everyone how to give a speech. We had 400 extras. JENNA [00:24:33] No. ANGELA [01:01:49] And maybe they had to film that little improv to justify it if they, like too many of them showed up at one time. I'm on the clock it. ANGELA [00:45:32] Sauron. Because I watched the deleted scenes. ANGELA [00:51:44] So I was there. And we're back there. JENNA [00:59:13] Full head to toe wizard. Yes, it is. I totally missed it until someone mentioned it over at the Northern Attack forums! All right, I'll stop it now. Pam asks Michael, "Have you ever been to a wedding?". JENNA [00:47:29] So was he pretending to be cold now? I want "Bowling with Celebrities". You could be a little bit more sensitive. JENNA [00:26:34] What, like a couple of items like wrapped in mesh with some twine. They had it all scheduled. I have to disagree with you. So I think. ANGELA [00:57:27] I I don't think he ever goes. But he would have attached a Post-it note that would say, "would you please file these in your butt"? [4], The Season Two DVD contains a number of deleted scenes from this episode. In the Mediterranean Italy is allied with a friendly Spain. ANGELA [00:53:51] I'm filming it. Not only eight months, as a superficial observer of events might believe, not from Sept. 1, 1939, when through guarantees to Poland, Britain unleashed the conflagration with a criminal and premeditated will. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. I'm like going, fighting the kids for their balls. Like this one (holding up printout), originally given by Benito Mussolini. SAM [00:12:47] Here's the thing. JENNA [00:18:30] Well, I don't know if you notice at 20 seconds when Michael tosses the ball and he knocks over Jim's stuff on his desk, it all kinds of falls forward onto this pile of boxes that's in front of Dwight's desk. Although Leslie's-. You didn't have to, like, run home and hit the record button. Dwights speech was funny, but I wasnt dying or anything. JENNA [00:59:22] Oh, I know why. You mean just Mindy? JENNA [00:39:33] So don't don't let it stress you out. I couldn't possibly let you read parts of my speech. Because you're taping the speech in the background. It's not true. Why are we looking at you? Dwight's speech from The Office BLOOD ALONE MOVES THE WHEELS OF HISTORY! There were. Creed". Because-. I just like the idea of like some kind of reality championship where I can have beer and like a slice of pizza while doing my activity. ANGELA [00:15:45] Really gives him the stiff arm shove. I'll give you advice. ANGELA [01:01:57] The hotel in the show is supposedly the Radisson at Lackawanna Station Hotel. ANGELA [00:46:39] And he said he looked it up and it's paraphrased from a speech Mussolini gave in Parma on December 13th, 1914, advocating for Italy to enter into World War One against Germany. No, that's Kent Zbornak's book. Not the best episode as far as gut busting laughs. ANGELA [00:20:41] The little the boob slip. (More applause, then Michael sneaks out while Dwight laughs maniacally.). But at Zama, Rome destroyed Carthage and wiped it out from geography and history forever. Dwight: He will never act again. ANGELA [00:05:52] Is that our book? ANGELA [00:02:27] I also own a sweatshirt that says "Always cold". JENNA [00:43:15] Well, then we go to Jim and Dwight's desks. ANGELA [00:30:53] I did, too. It is literally the highest possible honor that a northeastern Pennsylvania-based mid-sized paper company regional salesman can attain so . But he hung two other plaques. But the problem was that Greg and Charles McDougall really wanted a build up of the crowd reaction. And so Michael's trying to do his best Michael Winslow impression. I really looked forward to the speach after all of the promos and then it seemed to fall flat to me. ANGELA [00:17:35] No, he wasn't. JENNA [00:25:42] So how long has that been there? ANGELA [00:50:02] He chokes. That's not even revealed in this episode. And then also why is he chosen to chill a plaque? I was under that. JENNA [00:55:55] Oh yeah. Then he goes to Jim for advice. And Michael is like, "Oh, yes. "Have you ever asked yourselves in an hour of meditation, which every one finds during the day, how long we have been at war?". No matter, there were enough good lines to make me happy. 2 0 obj JENNA [00:05:45] And so the wranglers really moved them around a lot. That's before we went to the hotel and he sounded legit sick. JENNA [00:30:49] Yeah. And so they were sort of scrambling now to figure out what Wednesday was going to look like. Seventh, when Great Britain falls, then the war will be ended, even if by any chance it should die out slowly in other countries of the British Empire. ANGELA [00:12:22] "Bowling with Celebrities". Some people will tell you salesman is a bad word. Pam's wedding color. Pam: I know you and Dad are chipping in for the wedding, but I do not want orange invitations. Dave Coulier, Debbie Gibson and Todd Bridges. The Office Dwight's Speech extras In one of Jim's talking head segments, he shows a printed page of a speech given by Benito Mussolini. ANGELA [00:40:52] Did he say, who are you? ANGELA [00:15:50] It wasn't really in the script that he was going to shove Leslie. It's actually at 107 East Drinker Street in Dunmore. It was always something we were annoyed with. And he asked Dwight if he's ready for his big speech. See you next week. JENNA [00:13:40] Don't stop talking, Angela, keep telling more details. Jim: I was thinking more like Europe, or something like that, but good second choice. ANGELA [00:27:22] That is fantastic. JENNA [00:33:40] Cause Dwight says, can I just have a copy of your speech? I mean, I'm not I'm sort of a major celebrity, but. And then I get like a strike but it's like it takes like five minutes. JENNA [00:18:56] I did want to throw out to Riana Royer, who had written in to ask if the football toss was planned. JENNA [00:13:19] This is fascinating. And then Michael gives Dwight some advice. It was so different from the normal humor. So but I have no-. HILARIOUS!! I remember shooting on that day. It's pure evil. He also has to give a big speech at the convention. I loved Dwight in this episode. TOGETHER THAT WE PREVAIL. They're like, "Leslie, are you OK"? ANGELA [00:57:19] And that's how he gets away. JENNA [00:07:44] I reached out to Kent about this as well, and he said he always liked to put these location shoots on a Tuesday or Wednesday. JENNA [00:04:33] Torsos with no arms and legs dressed up in suits. Was it an accident"? Keep it up, and you're looking at a written warning. The Scandinavian world (Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark) is directly or indirectly inside the German orbit. We aired on NBC and "Skating with Celebrities" aired on Fox. So go get some pizza at Kugino's. Please tell us the example. ANGELA [00:42:03] And I just sort of gave myself this backstory that he had probably practiced this in front of me, that we had worked on it together. Damn, I missed the Mussolini lines - I saw the obvious line from the communist manifesto and recognized some of the Soviet leader lines and Benito flew right over my head, Dwight's Speech: BLOOD ALONE MOVES THE WHEELS OF HISTORY! ANGELA [01:04:34] They've crossed this line. Like, he's kind of got this side smile. Eventually he goes to the conference. And it was a complete joy to watch. This will never happen. Some people will tell you salesman is a bad word. Benito Mussolini (prime minister and ", Sean Lake as Sci-Fi Attendee (Uncredited), Randy Vinneau as Conference-goer (Uncredited). Welcome to OfficeTally, the top fansite for NBC's hit comedy, 'The Office.'. And it's a lovely hotel. ANGELA [00:07:55] That's what I remember you. And I entertained Dwight to no end, with my bar stories. Two people asked this. ANGELA [00:44:28] He can be fully complete and he can reign pure hell all over the land. JENNA [01:03:44] In fact, I have to be on basically the farthest spot on the earth from your wedding. Honestly speaking, I never liked this episode, it was the weakest episode in season 2. Pam says, Pam has this line, "Like Toastmaster"? JENNA [00:25:54] Yeah. So now Dwight and Michael are sort of having this great moment at the bar. OK, let's let's trade some stuff. It's a big honor. Germany has not yet brought to the limit the employment of her human forces. Copyright 2023 OfficeTally. "[7] Francis Rizzo III of DVD Talk felt that Dwight's enlarged role was great, but noted that the episode was not as funny as his "strange behavior" in "The Injury. This mystic tan that lasted like three weeks. JENNA [00:09:39] I wonder if he got a phone call from Greg Daniels telling him it was his finest performance because he's really good in this episode. ANGELA [01:02:37] Super charming. JENNA [00:47:06] Well, when Dwight leaves with Michael, Angela shouts, "The very best of luck to you, Dwight". He's, you know. Michael later references the movie at the actual convention when he is filling time for Dwight. ANGELA [00:02:08] It got serious. This happens in all wars, in all times. He goes, "I didn't think so". That's fine. The grim reaper is here. JENNA [00:00:24] Good morning, "Office Ladies"! I didn't even buy it for myself. Can you believe that? Third, while during the World War Germany was isolated from Europe and the world, today the Axis is master of the Continent and allied with Japan. It was written by Paul Lieberstein and directed by Charles McDougall. I have always wanted to go there. 4? Dwight: They are either going to say yes. ANGELA [00:12:29] "Cornhole with Celeb-" I already do that all the time. "Take Your Daughter to Work Day", I think. JENNA [00:40:53] No. JENNA [00:01:25] Yeah. Okay, so yeah not my favorite episode, but still worth the wait. Think of the Punic Wars when the Battle of Cannae threatened to crush Rome. :], Ryan was being mean to Kelly to prove a point to Pam about Jim. ANGELA [00:52:00] You can't laugh. So a line producer is the person who gets the script and figures out all of the practical stuff that you need to do to make an episode happen. Due to the science fiction convention mentioned in a deleted scene, a number of people in the lobby of the hotel are dressed in costumes: When Dwight finds Michael after the speech, a group of four costumed attendees are in the background near the center elevators. On another occasion-not to tire you with too many figures-our intervention in the Falangist Revolution will be documented. Whenever I did background work with Kate, we stayed in character the whole time. For example, fan question from Mary Ann Lodans and Grace D and Mel Asako. There's been this drought. As long as people care about what you're saying. If you enter a nude area, you've got a 10 minute grace period to disrobe. I bet probably people never reacted like that to Michael's speech. JENNA [00:39:06] It's open from 10:30 p.m. to 3 a.m. ANGELA [00:39:09] Mmhmm, you go wrestle with your friends. JENNA [01:05:01] So I'll get I'll get the time code for that so I can really lay into myself. It was definitely a good one. Sorry, what is? JENNA [00:18:50] They were cleared and not returned. The extras, the hotel, the location, shoot. JENNA [00:42:43] I just like that all of us all the time. But Leslie did not think he was gonna fall. And I wrote about it in my diary and I said that we stayed in character the entire two hours that they shot in Michael's office. JENNA [01:04:52] Oh, boy. If I remember it was sort of like on a Wednesday or Thursday. Thats the word on the street anyway. But I went frame by frame, and I could not find any. I think what's happening is Jim is saying. On land and sea and in the air it is the final battle that counts. In, In this episode, Ryan tells us that Jim eats a ham and cheese sandwich everyday. {jJe?2\'&G83am`dC:x#m0b|#1wX/O'#[RG}$#N7y8s,hwx@8ff!!bm%RNSSoxbh {@~PF| cq58yLQ;=>=4#lopX\% o?Rem)f7|>,W4:kZ`n4V[_.u#3yY5i>WtX2Ih9*KyUOu5`c1-4&fWV[1q&jsk6#^2t%$^^\Kz|lE+|#XR[`K#ch'LcFW V*rFi[i! I love that. But developments in history, which sometimes are speeded up, cannot be halted any more than the fleeting moment of Faust could be halted. This isolation pushes her toward the United States, from which she urgently and desperately seeks aid. JENNA [00:30:59] Yeah. In the same period were sent 1,924 cannon of all calibers and many of them of recent construction and model; 15,386 machine-guns; 11,000,000 rounds of shells; 1,344,287,275 bullets for light arms; 127,877 tons of engineers materials; 779 tanks with a certain percentage of heavy tanks; 9,584 auto vehicles of various kinds; 4,809 motorcycles. They can't, how can they be? It has been a lifetime struggle, a never-ending fight, I say to you, and you will understand that it is a privilege to fight. Especially-in this war, which has the world as its theatre and pits continents directly or indirectly one against another. It's been a pleasure working with some of you, and I will not forget those of you soon. And then they had to cancel it and reschedule it for a different day by a week. So I would love to go. ANGELA [00:23:27] Phil Shea, but also good catches there. And I really thought that that part of my life was over for me, that that wasn't going to happen. He loves you. I'm cringing. :), You make me wanna be a better salesman.. We boast that we are not like them. He's the last one. See if you agree. To speak of a separate peace is idiotic. Have you ever asked yourselves in an hour of meditation, which every one finds during the day, how long we . I went. ANGELA [00:12:51] I, it's still really fun. ANGELA [00:12:11] I don't. Like his doctor said, you cannot go". And they took pictures of me in the hat and they showed them to, you know, everybody involved. Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! It's like it's a mirror image. You get a really good shot of it. Let's get started with this episode. JENNA [00:37:59] Okay, so here's the deal. I don't know if you guys outside of L.A., you see these signs a lot around town. Not really doing it. Kelly: This is karma, because of what he did to Jennifer Aniston. JENNA [00:25:39] Yeah. Share the best GIFs now >>> The events during these months exasperate our will and must accentuate against the enemy that cold, conscious, implacable hate, hate in every home, which is indispensable for victory. At the end of Michael's story, the alien has been replaced by a man wearing a wizard hat. JENNA [00:07:05] Fast Fact Number Two: Rainn Wilson was very sick for this episode. ANGELA [00:25:18] Can we talk about where those talking head takes place? You might do like one scene at reception, but it's three or four different camera setups, so you'll do what? JENNA [01:04:06] But I think it's more than that. Dwight, to Jim's annoyance, surfs the internet to find things to buy with his prize money. Dunderpedia: The Office Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. ANGELA [00:11:08] Did people get injured? Sam? ANGELA [00:59:38] OK. Well, obviously, I don't know Kent and Paul's answer, but I watched the deleted scenes and there is an extended scene of them walking through the hotel where the convention centers are. Like I remember when it came time for lunch, like the catering was way, it was like Sergio plus all these other extra guys. ANGELA [00:48:35] And he goes, "Yeah, I didn't. ANGELA [00:50:44] Huh. I had to look like I was being incognito, but you had to be able to see my face. ANGELA [00:34:02] OK. Well he runs out of the bullpen, and he says that, you know, they had done so well this quarter that corporate is going to give everyone a thousand dollar bonus. I just need everyone to clock a little bit of my Angela Martin look. That's the band. JENNA [00:53:50] With your little hat on. Pam. Pam, I'm public speaking, so please stop public interrupting me. One entire army-the Tenth-was broken up almost completely with its men and cannon. Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) is named Northeastern Pennsylvania Salesman of the Year and must make a speech at an association meeting at the Radisson Lackawanna Station Hotel, getting some assistance from Michael Scott (Steve Carell). It means that they are ignorant of the civilian virtues and proud patriotism of the people who gave the fatherland Columbus, Garibaldi and Mazzini. Meanwhile, Jim Halpert (John Krasinski) plans a vacation to avoid Pam Beesly's (Jenna Fischer) wedding. JENNA [00:06:25] He said that we did 47 camera setups in a 12 hour shoot day. ANGELA [01:00:58] 'Cause you're just living your life. And then they were like, "Oh, B.J., are you OK"? Why are people trying to go to Mordor or not trying to go to Mordor? Dwights Announcement was hilarious. ANGELA [00:49:18] It's by 2 Unlimited. Yeah. I went to a friends house and saw it then came home the next day and told my parents to download it on itunes. Like our wing and the guys in the I.T. ANGELA [00:04:46] I mean, that is crazy town. JENNA [00:22:32] Well done, John Krasinski. So you know the scene in Michael's office where he's telling Dwight, I'm going to, I'm a mentor you. During the cold open, when Michael is throwing the football to Dwight he hits Jim's desk knocking a bunch of frames and pens onto the boxes in front of Jim's and Dwight's desk.

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dwight schrute mussolini speech transcript