33rd parallel energy

Shriners are 33rd degree Masons. 1933 A MOST IMPORTANT YEAR IN THE OCCULT CALENDAR. Phoenix, which sits at a latitude of 33 degrees and 43 minutes, lies within the influence of the "dragon energy" of this imaginary line around the Earth. [6] As Southwestern archaeologist H. M. Wormington observes, The scope of the canal project suggests comparisons with the erection of the huge pyramids of Egypt or the great temples of the Maya. [7] Clearly this monumental technology was the key factor that allowed the desert dwelling people to inhabit their extremely harsh region for well over a thousand years. The latter structure was a seven-tiered ziggurat rising to a height of 300 feet with a base on each side measuring the same distance. Dear All, A friend asked recently why there is so much 'UFO activity' along the 33rd parallel south (meaning the line of latitude 33 degrees south of the equator). Oppelt, Guide to Prehistoric Ruins, pp. As we move forward in this article, we will focus on the number 33 and the way in which occultists have planned events and geographical locations around the 33rd Northern Parallel. The 33rd Parallel. In the Book of Enoch , the place where the Watcher class of fallen angels descended to Earth, Mount Hermon, is also . In fact, at 9:49 p.m. when the final phase of the event was beginning, Alnilam, the middle star of the Belt, was 33 degrees above the horizon at an azimuth of 242 degrees. Required fields are marked *. In more recent times Babylon played a significant role in the rituals of Freemasonry and continues to do so. 2 (Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc., 1979), pp. Many other mysterious incidents took place around the Parallel 33. Atop Avikwaame, legends say, was a great house name Aha-avulypo, or literally Dark Round House. [35] The north-south road itself was named Kwatcan, the first trail to the homeland. The Hopi word for track is kukuat, but the word for grandfather is the near homophone kwaat. 42. a. Now you can understand how important it was to Adolf Hitler to arrange the timing of his death to form a 333 he wanted to attain the number of death, resurrection, and ascension so that he might come back more quickly in the reincarnation cycle, this time to be the REAL Antichrist. Encyclopaedia Britannica, Vol. I considered the [10] horns, and behold, there came up among them another horn, a little one [Antichrist] Bible scholars have always called Antichrist the 11th Horn. which adds to 11, number of the 'doorway' or 'pillars of the portal' energy. The Amazing Phoenix Lights Event Sequence Of 3-17-97, Bill Hamilton, Sightings/Jeff Rense [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web, http://www.rense.com/ufo6/phoe.htm; accessed 10 February 2002. Most of this planets six billion people live south of the 33rd Parallel. Copyright 2023 Rumble. See Gary A. Davids essay entitled The Dual Stargates of Egyptian Cosmology, Duat CD ROM magazine, Issue 1, Sept. 2002. 1704-1662 B.C. The Waco compound where the Branch Davidians were murdered was near the 33 rd parallel . 2589 2566 BC. 43. Dante Alighieri, The Paradiso: a Verse Rendering For the Modern Reader, translated by John Ciardi (New York: New American Library, 1970,1961), p. 365. Roosevelt was succeeded in April of 1945 by 33rd degree Mason Harry S. Truman. A -A + Updated At: Jul 02, 2019 06:53 AM (IST) 649 William Bramley, The Gods of Eden (New York: Avon Books/Harper-Collins Publishers, 1990, 1989), p. 90. 33. . [25] Did the earlier Hohokam culture of the American Southwest somehow influence the later development of this Mound Builder culture in the American Southeast? You may know that in numerology, 33 is considered a Master Number and symbolizes the Christ Consciousness. .M. kinetic energy ,telepathy and mind control, Mystery, strange happening , the unexplained, Natural medicine, home remedy ,herbs, diet, Panic Attacks ,Paranoia, Personality Disorders, Persuasion, Pessimism, Pheromones, Phobias , Procrastination ,Psychiatry ,Psychologists, Psychopathy ,Psychotherapy, Relationships Resilience Self Esteem Sleep Sociopathy, Russian phenomenon , ghost and paranormal events, Teamwork Teenagers Temperament Tests Therapy, Time Management Trauma Visualization Willpower Wisdom, Home Dr. Saad Ramzi Al-Hashimi, PhD -Paranormal- Parapsychology Expert, Researcher and investigator, What language Angels and demons speaks- By Steve Ramsey, MY LIFE STORY IN YOU TUBE PLEASE SHARE AND PUSH LIKE, CENTRAL NEW YORK GHOST HUNTERS one of the best in USA, The mystery of the Anunnaki blood Steve Ramsey. Only events will tell. [37] Either spirits of the track or spirits of the grandfathers may be the intended meaning. The Roswell incident in 1947 where it is believed an extraterrestrial space craft crashed is on the 33 rd parallel. March 4, 1933 Masonic President Franklin Roosevelt was sworn in as President of the United States. The city of Phoenix is located on Parallel 33. Some people argue that the military fired anti-aircraft rounds at what some say was a saucer-shaped flying object. Ground zero is on the 40th parallel. Byblos (Jbeil), Embassy of Lebanon, Washington, DC [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web, http://www.lebanonembassy.org/tourism/jbeil.html; accessed 8 February 2002. [53] A few weeks after the explosion at Trinity Site the 33rd president of the United States ordered the annihilation of two Japanese cities by nuclear bombs dropped from B-29 bombers. For all this, God has historically brought each pagan nature and/or culture into severe physical judgment, destroying them completely. Some speculate that the orientation of the two pillars imitates obelisks placed before the pylons of Egyptian temples, especially those of the Heliopolitan temple of Thothmes (Tuthmosis) III, who reigned in the fifteenth century B.C. 48. The Energy Model: Magick moves some kind of energy around, and that makes stuff happen. We're feeling the pull of the 33 rd parallel (Allow me to explain) In heeding the call to LA, lightworkers are being called to congregate around the 33rd parallel - an energy vortex which happens to run through Venice Beach. On his extensive and thoroughly detailed web site, New Zealand researcher Martin Doutr claims that this structure incorporates various navigational codes, including phi, or the Golden Ratio (1.618). 1756 Charleston, South Carolina, the original site of Scottish Rite Masonry in the United States, is only 15 miles south of the 33rd Parallel. Blavatsky. Next the UFO entered Sky Harbor Airports air space, where air controllers in the tower and the flight crew from at least one commercial airliner viewed it, although radar failed to detect it. [8] The color is one of the meanings of the word phoenix, which the ancient Egyptians sometimes associated with the purple heron. Thus, Babylons symbolic importance, which the co-authors believe extends back to at least Knights Templar times and probably before, is reemphasized inside every Masonic lodge to the present day. A 2006 World Mysteries article via Red Ice Creations takes reader on a mystical mystery tour of the 33rd parallel. At the 33rd latitude the sun is visible for 14 hours, 20 minutes during the summer solstice and 9 hours, 58 minutes during the winter . 1993 Waco, Texas, just south of the 32nd degree of north latitude, is the site of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Texas. New York Governor Herbert Lehman, at the urging of Governor Harrison, also agreed to proclaim an emergency bank holiday in New York, and a similar action was taken in Illinois. Thus, this occult and Illuminist preoccupation with the Number 11 as they strive to produce their Antichrist, is dictated by Biblical prophecy concerning Antichrist. Emil W. Haury, Prehistory of the American Southwest, edited by J. Jefferson Reid and David E. Doyel (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1992, 1986), p. 45. Its interior is rumored to be a model of this empire with a jeweled roof depicting the constellations and rivers of flowing mercury. The number 333 speaks ofdeath, resurrection, and ascension. [Ibid., p. 162-3; NOTE: You and I know that Jesus ascension did not occur for 40 days after He arose, but evidently, occultists have not examined the Scriptures carefully!]. It boasted gorgeous cities, advanced technology, utopian government, and an occult, spiritually enlightened, citizenry, as we discussed, above. If this is Gods timing for Antichrist to arise, Bush will lead the U.S. into this war, no matter what U.N. inspectors have found. (The S. supposedly stood for Solomon.) The 33rd parallel south is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees south of the Earth's equatorial plane. This energy can be perceived as either positive or negative depending on a number of factors including the type of entities accessing the portal, ancient claims to the land (i.e. 15. [p. 160], In the Vishnu-Purana Book 1, it states: These thirty-three divinities exist age after age, and their appearance and disappearance is in the same number as the sun sets and rises again. [p. 160-1]. 28. 1990-1991 Gulf Storm I occurred. We shall quote from White Magic practitioner, Elizabeth van Buren, in her book, The Secret of the Illuminati, as she openly reveals Luciferian thought and values in her New Age book. [Ibid.]. Dante Alighieri, The Purgatorio: a Verse Translation For the Modern Reader, translated by John Ciardi (New York: New American Library, 1961, 1957), p. 334. Like the assassination of JFK, this assassination contains the same occult Master Numbers 11, 22, 33. The number, 39, is very special to the occultist, because it is formed by the multiplication of 3 and 13. Biosecurity Act 2015 which removes all rights for Australians, Higher Death, Hospitalization Rates Among Vaccinated Individuals. When they were successfully carried out, occultists the world over knew exactly what had happened and who had carried it out, and for the purpose of setting the stage for Number 11 himself, Antichrist. Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas, The Hiram Key: Pharaohs, Freemasons and the Discovery of the Secret Scrolls of Jesus (Shaftesbury, Dorset, England: 1998, 1997, 1996), pp. At the latitude of Phoenix this is the exact point of the winter solstice sunset as well. Major financial centersnorthof the 33rd Parallel include London, New York, Chicago, and Switzerland. The construction of Babylon began during the twenty-third century B.C. But what's that got to do with Tom? White settlers understood the Creek and the later Cherokee to call this site Hightower, possibly for Itawa or Italwa (city?). The signing of the Armistice agreement was thus undergirded by three elevens! 54. It was next seen 22 minutes later over the village of Paulden, Arizona (nearly 25 miles north of the town of Prescott). The 33rd parallel north is a circle of latitude that is 33 degrees north of the Earth's equatorial plane. If you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, but have been very lukewarm in your spiritual walk with Him, you need to immediately ask Him for forgiveness and for renewal. The number 33 enigmatically stretches as a latitude line across many diverse cultures in many different times. 36. Your email address will not be published. World War II was inevitable at this point. 21. But there is a lot of more mystery surrounding parallel 33. Thus, Roosevelt was sworn in during the 3rd month, 1933, thereby giving his inauguration an occult value of 333, just like Hitlers ascension to power! It convened in a chapel and provided relief to widows, orphans, and workers in distress. "It is in the middle with eight heavens in the east, eight heavens in the west, eight heavens in the south and eight heavens in the north. Bill Weir, Arizona Travelers Handbook (Chico, California: Moon Publications, Inc., 1992, 1986), p. 295. This pair is thought to be the prototype of Jachin and Boaz, the two pillars found on the eastern wall of every Masonic temple in the world. Stonehenge and the American/Canadian Masonic Lodge are on the 51st parallel. Since the reign of Sir Francis Bacon and Queen Elizabeth I (1590 1603), Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry have ruled England and Europe with an increasingly iron hand. 46. And the time that he reigned over Israel was forty years; seven years reigned he in Hebron, and thirty and three years reigned he in Jerusalem., How many have really understood the words: Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God., The 20th Century was clearly the century in which God withdrew His restraining power enough so Satan could cause World Wars I and II to be fought exactly as the Guiding Spirit of Albert Pike revealed to him in 1870 [, Paranormal Zone,The Haunting Dimensions- PZHD Facebook, Paranormal Zone,The Haunting Dimensions- PZHD Twitter, Paranormal Zone,The Haunting Dimensions- PZHD Google+, Paranormal Zone,The Haunting Dimensions- PZHD Linkedin, Paranormal Zone,The Haunting Dimensions- PZHD YouTube, Grief Guilt Happiness How To Huntingtons Disease Impulse Control Disorder Intimacy Loneliness, Medication, Memory ,MidLife Crisis ,Mindfulness Monogamy Morality Motivation Neuroticism Optimism, sleep,Stage Fright Stereotypes Stress Success Stories Synesthesia, Bipolar Body Dysmorphic Disorder Body Language Bullying, Stress and anxiety can cause you Muscles pain, The power of Genetics and elastration of family everyday routine, ANGER, FORGIVENESS , love, peace, emotion, mind ,mistakes, fear, CHILDHOOD,,DEPRESSION,DEMENTIA and paranormal, Cleansing ghost report , our home visits stories, consciousness, desire, devotion, divine, emotions enlightenment , gratitude ,happiness, meditation mind negativity, peace , problem, relationship , thoughts, Domestic Violence Eating Disorders Family Friendship, Grief Guilt Happiness How To Huntington's Disease Impulse Control Disorder Intimacy Loneliness, Horror Movies- scary videos and paranormal fils. One is a ceremonial mound 63 feet in height and another is a burial mound in which were found numerous artifacts including copper ear ornaments, stone effigies, and sea shells along with obsidian and grizzly bear teeth from the Rocky Mountains. News reports just a few days ago indicated the Pentagon was possibly planning to use nuclear weapons in Iraq. Who chose this parallel to be the exact demarcation line as to be the line which marked the line beyond which Iraqi airmen cannot fly? June is the 6th month; when added to the 5th day, you get an 11, Number22 RFK was shot by a .22 caliber pistol, Number33 Los Angeles is very near the 33rd Parallel, [Note: This information taken from RFK assassination site, http//:homepages.tcp.co.uk/~dlewis/crime.htm]. Stay tuned for the 33rd Parallel podcast All About the Demons, where we figure out once and for all what exactly demons are . There is a lot of other symbolism with the number 33 and things that have occurred on the 33rd parallel however. We're feeling the pull of the 33 rd parallel (Allow me to explain) In heeding the call to LA, lightworkers are being called to congregate around the 33rd parallel - an energy vortex which happens to run through Venice Beach. Whatever the rationale, the 33rd parallel is a path of power across the globe, a circuit that links both time and space in order to vitalize the dynamo of a mystery we are just now beginning to realize. At the time of this latter UFO sighting the constellation Orion would have been seen hovering over the southwestern horizon, were it not for urban light pollution. This. 40. (Demolay derives from the Grand Master of the Knights Templar, James deMolay (1244-1314)). champion amy schneider hosts 'jeopardy! Ancient Pyramids In China, Laura Lee Online [web site online]; available from the World Wide Web, http://www.lauralee.com/chi_pyr.htm; accessed 8 February 2002; b. This war also has nothing to do with terrorism, or with Iraqs supposed plans to use WMD on us or her Middle Eastern neighbors. The 33rd degree has long been associated with Freemasonry. These figures formed in the desert by removal of darker pebbles to reveal a lighter undersurface are sometimes hundreds of feet in length. At his death, Hitler chose the day and the timing to form a 333, as we noted above. MANY ACTS OF WAR, MURDER, AND ASSASSINATION HAVE OCCURRED ON OR NEAR THE 33RD DEGREE PARALLEL. Three Rivers Site is also unique because it is one of only a few places in the Southwest that were used primarily for rock art rather than it being merely an adjunct to the village. But, Greece and Rome began a movement of civilizations, where the center of power gravitated gradually northward. The 33rd parallel runs exactly between Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Both world wars in the 20th Century have been fought to establish the One World Government, Economy, and Religion of Antichrist. The main canals leading from the Salt and Gila rivers measured up to 75 feet across at the top and 50 feet wide at the bottom. When the Illuminati assassinated President Kennedy, he was killed according to the occult number signature of eleven [11]. RITUAL TO SUPERHUMAN ENTITIES FOR TEMPORAL POWER. ON OR NEAR THE 33 DEGREE NORTHERN PARALLEL, Chronology of Significant Events At The Northern 33rd Degree of Latitude Day Williams (Ibid.). This may sound like bogus Eastern mysticism until this sacred . Listen: Indeed, there is not death, as can be discerned clearly There is only Change! However, most importantly, Bible prophecy assigns the Number 11 to Antichrist in Daniel 7:8! To order his book, go to: http://www.theorionzone.com, Article from http://www.world-mysteries.com/mpl_gd1.htm#Along, Your email address will not be published. The sacredness of numbers begins with the Great First Cause, the One, and ends only with the naughty or zero a symbol of the infinite and boundless universe. [The Occult Power of Numbers, W. Wynn Westcott, p. emit energy fields that disrupt ships and aircraftwhich is how Cayce accounted for the Bermuda Triangle. The fluid goes all the way down to the sacral chakra, the second bottom chakra, below the solar plexus. Just to the East of Baghdad is the Plain of Megiddo, where the final Battle of Armageddon will be fought! 20. The guild met to discuss working hours, wages, and rules for daily labor. On the left, or to the north, is Boaz, which means In it is strength and connotes passive stability and permanence. The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archaeology and Hidden History, edited by Preston Peet, Disinformation Books, New York, 2005. H. M. Wormington, Prehistoric Indians of the Southwest (Denver, Colorado: The Denver Museum of Natural History, 1973, 1947), p. 125. 56. a. All Rights Reserved. Sandy Hook is on the 41st parallel . You don't have to be a believer, a Freemason, or even well-versed in ancient cultures to get swept up in the multi-layered history and archeo-astronomy surrounding the 33rd . The Greeks called Bel Beliar; and Hesychius interprets that word to mean dragon or great serpent. Hiram was the King of Tyre in the reigns of David and Solomon. She was dancing seductively and playfully in front of the Reptilian, and he seemed so in love and mesmerized by her energy. 33rd parallel north - Wikipedia. OF HUMAN SACRIFICE. 34. 13. A fascinating site also in the general vicinity of Phoenix is called the Circlestone Observatory (33 degrees 28 minutes). We shall continue eastward to encounter other significant ancient sites along the same parallel. During the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, we demonstrated how the attacks were carried out according to the Number 11, their number of Antichrist. 15. On the African continent, in the town of Casablanca located in Morocco, a large square and hexagonal pyramidal construction are located on the 33rd parallel. (This town, incidentally, is located about 35 miles northeast of Phenix City, Alabama.) Are you spiritually ready? Two years after the war ended, the modern flying saucer age began in earnest when something crashed near Roswell, New Mexico-- 33 degrees 26 minutes North latitude. This was the nuclear explosion that took place in 1945 at the 33rd parallel as a test for the nuclear attack on Japan. The Babylonian empire was based in Babylon, near the 33rd Parallel. Dealey Plaza is the site of the first Masonic temple in Dallas and a Masonic obelisk. Students of Numerology are well aware that numbers affect a persons life. Mount Hermon ("Mountain of the Chief", coordinates: 332458N 355127E) is a mountain cluster constituting the southern end of the Anti-Lebanon mountain range. However, you can see how 33rd Degree Mason, President Truman, might have made the decision to attack Nagasaki, located on the 33rd Parallel. But there is a lot of more mystery surrounding parallel 33. The late thirteenth/early fourteenth century Italian poet Dante ended Canto XXXIII of the Purgatorio, or the second section of his Divine Comedy: perfect, pure, and ready for the Stars. [2] Canto XXXIII of the Paradiso, or the third section, concludes with lines about the poet being turned as in a wheel whose motion nothing jars-- / by the Love that moves the Sun and the other stars. [3] It is more than a coincidence that the 33rd canto of each section concludes with parallel lines regarding the celestial; it may instead be the code from a lost ancient tradition. These ancient American Indians created an estimated total of 500 miles of canals to irrigate over 25,000 acres in the Phoenix Basin-- all constructed with mere digging sticks, stone implements, and woven carrying baskets.

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